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Tourmaline Crystal Bracelet

. £8.88

Beautiful Black Tourmaline Crystal Bracelet great for grounding, clearing away negative energies and thoughts linked to anxiety, anger, sadness and frustration, healing heart break. This goes well with Tigers Eye, Rose Quartz and Aventurine.

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Adult bracelet 7” elastic


Black Tourmaline is a protective crystal, great for grounding and represents the purification and cleansing of the emotional body, where it clears negative energies and thoughts like anxiety, anger and feelings of worthlessness. It’s also great for protecting your spirit as well as helping those going through emotional pain such as a broken heart, it dissolves the feelings and encourages love, peace and harmony. 

All bracelets are blessed with Reiki Healing Energy and Theta Healing Downloads of love, joy, happiness, contentment, peace and abundance for all areas of your life, enabling you to fully feel these positive vibrations.

For bracelets, the price is based on ONE BRACELET ITEM ONLY and does not including the Agate Stone which is shown in the image for display purposes only. You may purchase more bracelets by adding more items to the cart and also search under the Agate section for a full range of Agates to purchase.

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